Lucie Sedláková Hůlová – Violin
Martin Sedlák – Cello

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The second profile CD of the Czech String Duo was produced to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the artistic and life journey of Lucie Sedláková Hůlová and Martin Sedlák. The dramaturgy of the CD is rather classical and includes well-known compositions (such as Händel – Halvorsen´s Passacaglia, Mozart´s Duo KV 423, Dvořák´s Humoresque) and less known (such as Gliére´s Eight Pieces or Paganini´s Duett) for violin and cello, which the Czech String Duo often play at their concerts. In the case of the duets by Fiala, Stamitz and Paganini, this is their first CD release ever.
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 – 1759)– Johann Halvorsen (1864 – 1935): Passacaglia
Josef Fiala (1748 – 1816) : Duett C Major WV 4.17
Reinhold Glière (1875 – 1956): Eight pieces op. 39
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791) : Duo G Major KV 423
Niccoló Paganini (1782 – 1840): Duetto concertante No. 3 A Major
Karl Stamitz (1746 – 1801): Duo C Major op. 19, No. 1
Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904): Humoresque op. 101, No. 7
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957): Water Droplets (1875)
Lucie Sedláková Hůlová – Violin
Martin Sedlák – Cello
Recorded in Studio Domovina in Prague, June 2018
Recording director: Jaroslav Krček
Recording engineer: Karel Soukeník
Produced in 2019 by Arta Music (Vítězslav Janda)
If you would like to buy this CD, please send us an e-mail at Thank you.